Nerds In Real Time

About NIRT

Welcome to NIRT.LIFE, the digital realm where creativity and passion meet the real world. We are a community of gamers, crafters, LARPers, and creatives, living our best "Nerds in Real Time" life.

What We're About

Gaming: Whether it's console, PC, or tabletop, gaming is at the heart of our community. We come together to play, compete, and share our love for all things gaming.

Crafting: From clay figures, intricate Leather work, and Beautiful collars our members are talented crafters who bring their imaginations to life through various mediums. We support and inspire each other to create amazing projects.

LARPing: Live Action Role Playing is more than a hobby for us; it's a way to immerse ourselves in fantastical worlds and epic adventures. Our events are filled with camaraderie, creativity, and unforgettable experiences.

Creativity: We embrace all forms of creativity, whether it's writing, coding, designing, or any other artistic endeavor. Our community is a vibrant tapestry of diverse talents and interests.

The First Step

NIRT.LIFE is currently in its early stages. Our initial focus is on setting up private email services for our founding members. This will be a secure and exclusive way for us to communicate and collaborate as we build this exciting new platform together.

Join Us

If you share our passions and are ready to live that "Nerds in Real Time" life, you're in the right place. Stay tuned as we expand and evolve, bringing more features and opportunities for our community to connect and create.

Welcome to NIRT.LIFE – where nerds thrive in real time.